2008年8月10日 星期日
Thinkpad X301 浸會大學優惠
售價和Config Summary 如下:
G410 $3,864 T2390(1.86GHz 1MB)/1G*1/120GB 5400/GMA X3100/14.1" WXGA/6-cell/2.4kg
U110 $12,144 L7500 (1.6GHz 4MB)/1G*2/120G 4200/GMA X3100/11.1" WXGA LED/4-cell/1.09kg
X200 $7884 P8400(2.26GHz 3MB)/1G*1/160G 5400/GMA X4500/12.1" TFT WXGA/6-cell/1.43kg
X200s $8940 SL9300(1.6GHz 6MB)/1G*1/160G 5400/GMA X4500/12.1" TFT WXGA/4-cell/1.12kg
X200t $10452 SL9400(1.86GHz 6MB)/1G*1/160G 5400/GMA X4500/12.1" TFT WXGA/8-cell/1.9kg
X301 $18156 SU9400(1.4GHz 3MB)/2G*1/64GB SATA SSD/GMA X450013.3" LED WXGA+/DVDRW/3-cell/1.43kg/
R400 $7236 P8400(2.26GHz 3MB)/1G*1/160G 5400/GMA X4500/14.1" TFT WXGA/DVDRW/4-cell/2.37kg
T400 $8580 P8600(2.4GHz 3MB)/2G*1/160G 5400/ATI HD3470/14.1" TFT WXGA/DVDRW/6-cell/2.4kg
T400 $10452 T9400(2.53GHz 6MB)/2G*1/200G 7200/ATI HD3470/14.1" TFT WXGA+/DVDRW/6-cell/2.4kg
W500 $13608 P9500(2.53GHz 6MB)/2G+1G/200G 7200/ATI FireGL V5700/15.4" TFT WUXGA/DVDRW/6-cell/2.5kg
W700 $20436 T9600(2.8GHz 6MB)/2G*2/320G*2 5400/NVIDIA Quadro FX 2700M/17" TFT WUXGA/Blu-ray/6-cell/3.77kg
其中我比較關注的有我的心頭好X300的學生版X301, 以及X61的後繼機種X200.
X300是聯想集團2008年新推出的一款具有跨時代意義的超輕薄全功能筆記本。這款只比Apple AIR厚了少許(X300最薄之處僅為18.6毫米)的13寸寬屏筆記本集成了近千項最新科技成果,採用了複合型材料製成的增強型防滾架、SSD固態硬盤、LED背光顯示屏、超低電壓版的處理器、7mm超薄光碟機以及增強的無線連接技術等。X300的黑色外殼採用磨砂技術,整體給人以穩重、冷峻的感覺。而且採用的是由復合型材料制成的增強型鎂制防滾架,這種材料在增強結構性能的同時不會增加重量。高級的碳纖維、玻璃纖維材料制成的內部底座不僅強度高,耐腐蝕、耐高溫且較鈦金屬減少78% 的重量,硬度卻提升了42%。實現了極致便攜和堅固、穩定、全功能、高性能的完美結合。
X300也是環保的筆記本電腦,在設計之初就採用了諸多環保技術,包括低能耗的SSD、無砷的LCD玻璃和無汞的LED顯示屏。由於採用了低能耗的LED背光顯示屏,ThinkPad X300筆記本在能耗方面比以往型號降低35%。在包裝方面,ThinkPad X300也採用了可回收材料。
2008年8月4日 星期一
在 Firefox中使用NTLM Authentication的方法
NTLM authentication allows the login credentials of a Windows user, who is logged on into a domain, to be automatically passed to your browser.
NTLM is a Microsoft-developed protocol providing single sign-on capabilities to web applications. It allows a web server to automatically discover the username of a browser client when that client is logged into a Windows domain and is using an NTLM-aware browser. A web application can then reuse the user’s Windows credentials without having to ask for them again.
However, this only works for Internet Explorer. When using Firefox, you will be prompted with an authentication prompt where you can enter your username and password. In order to enable NTLM authentication also in Firefox, by doing the following steps:
- Type “about:config” in the address bar of Firefox
- You will see all settings of Firefox, but you need to find the key “network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris”.
- Enter the hostnames like: “host1.domain.com, host2.domain.com” or just “.domain.com” to list them all at once
2008年8月2日 星期六
HTC Touch Victor P3702
雖然HTC Diamond的配備很好: VGA分辨率的TFT液晶屏幕, 320萬自動對焦功的鏡頭, Qualcomm MSM7201A 528MHz處理器), 可是它的鑽石切割設計卻吸引不到我. 幸好HTC明白這一點推出了HTC Diamond的兄弟款HTC Touch Victor P3702, 有HTC Diamond同樣的內涵, 但使用了更流暢圓潤的機身曲線, 令其外型比較時尚樸實. 不知香港幾時開售.
2008年6月21日 星期六
Little Jammer Pro - 望梅止渴
2008年6月9日 星期一
Einstein Puzzle
1. There are five houses in five different colours.
2. In each house lives a person of a different nationality.
3. These five owners drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of
cigarette and keep a certain pet.
4. No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of smoke or drink
the same drink.
1. The Brit lives in the red house.
2. The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
3. The Dane drinks tea.
4. The green house is on the left of the white house.
5. The green house owner drinks coffee.
6. The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
8. The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
10. The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
11. The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
12. The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
13. The German smokes Prince.
14. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
15. The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.
The question is: WHO OWNS FISH?
Norwegian | Dane | Briton | German | Swede |
yellow | blue | red | green | white |
water | tea | milk | coffee | beer |
Dunhill | Blend | Pall Mall | Prince | Blue Master |
cats | horses | birds | fish | dogs |
Therefore, it is the coffee-drinking, Prince-smoking German in the green house that raises fish.
Little Jammer Pro
今天在網上看到很多Little Jammer Pro的Vedio, 大家一同看看吧:
2008年5月3日 星期六
最浪漫的事 在線試聽